Author Archives: admin

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – Career Prospect in India

What Is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence could be defined in a broad term as an ultra-smart technology for building machines that can perform human tasks including those that require cognitive and discerning skills. It is a part of computer science that specializes in knowledge engineering. From self – driving cars to chess, AI implementation is […]

Pursuing Legal Career in India

As long as there is a society, there will be a crime and you will need lawyers to fight for your case. Hence, society and lawyers are reciprocally dependent. A lawyer represents common people in legal proceedings and ensures the jurisprudence of the Indian constitution. If you are anticipating to serve and protect the people […]

Ethical Hacking – The Emerging Career Opportunity in India in 2020

This is an age where all the young and budding talents are incessantly hunting for newer avenues. They hope that these avenues will alight them onto some new and interesting career path. Upcoming career choices always have a wide scope of employment opportunities, skill development, and upscaling your career graph. So, what are trying to […]

Make an impact: Social Work as a Career in India

In this century, most individuals are a part of the rat race. And the destination being handsome paycheque with the high designation, but does it bring happiness and fulfillment at the end of the day? There is a lot of rhetoric about true happiness with the least mention to the corporate ladder that many aspire […]

Software Testing as a career in 2020

With the technological advancement in every industry at an incredible pace, there is huge demand for software companies to provide bespoke services. Along with the development of custom-made software, there is a parallel requirement for software testing services. Software bugs can have mammoth consequences and hence debugging is an integral part of the development world. […]

How to be positive in the Coronavirus fear

The saying goes ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’. The coronavirus crisis has brought unforeseen difficulties. We believe there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Unusual as it seems, now is the time to talk about positivity and remind people of the good in the world. The best of human nature can rise to […]

It’s OK to Get a “C”

Parents have always taught a fundamental chant to their children “the higher the grades, the better life one gets”. Adults lure children into believing that the only way of living a dignified life and sustaining in this world is by getting higher grades and following the line. This simply created a belief that “A” graders […]